Sunday, 31 May 2015

Adjustment of the System of Rice Varieties in Jajar Legowo

Legowo planting system is a way of planting rice paddy with a pattern of multiple rows of plants are interspersed with empty rows. Plants that should be planted in an empty row crop transferred as inserts in a row.

Legowo planting system then developed to obtain higher yields than the tile system through the addition of a population. In addition it is also easier when controlling pests, diseases, weeds, and also at the time of fertilization.

This planting method has the advantages of increasing the plant population per unit area, thereby potentially increasing the production, easy to manage plants such as fertilizing, pest and disease control, and facilitate the movement of farmers in the field because of the empty space, and aesthetic attractive crop.

An effective way to increase rice productivity with Legowo row planting system is to determine the suitability of varieties with a spacing (population and orientation cropping). Such experiments were carried out in Sub Toroh, Grobogan, Central Java MK I in 2014.

As is the main planting distance, namely tiles T1- 25 cm x 25 cm; T2- legowo 2: 1 (25-50) cm x 12.5 cm; T3- Legowo 4: 1 empty (25-50) cm x 12.5 cm, and T4-Legowo 4: 1 full (25-50) cm x 12.5 cm. Varieties grown are Ciherang, Inpari 10, Inpari 15, and Inpari 16.

The study concluded, among others, plant height had no significant effect on the spacing of four treatments, while the influence of the real variety, which has a plant Inpari 15 is higher than the other three varieties. Then, the closer planting distance, the fewer the number of panicles per clump, different antarvarietas.

In addition, the number of tillers Inpari 10 with a spacing of the tiles 25 cm x 25 cm declined compared with the third way Legowo row planting and best varieties to be developed at the test site and its surroundings are grown Inpari 16 Legowo row 4: 1 is empty.

For dry milled grain yield (MPD), Inpari 16 consistently high yields in the fourth row spacing, the highest yield in Legowo row 4: 1 by 6.57 t / ha GKG. While Inpari 10 and 15 respectively Inpari yield 5.03 + 0.19 and 5.00 + 0.22 t / ha GKG, the same or slightly lower than Ciherang.

Results Ciherang relatively stable against a spacing difference compared with the three other varieties.

The study also concluded that the need to introduce the properties Inpari 16 to farmers, whether accepted because it can increase productivity, and participatory needs assessment is a way Legowo row planting 4: 1 can be received by the farmer.

Further information: Research and Development Center for Food Crops


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