Sunday 31 May 2015

Exempt Pesticide Residues Vegetables And Fruit With Ozonisasi

Ozone is a powerful disinfectant, several studies have shown that only low concentrations (less than 0.5 mg / liter) was able to kill microorganisms in the water, and even ozone can also disinfect water. Ozone concentration of 0.02 mg / l can be toxic to Escherichia coli and Streptococcus facealis.

Ozone is able to shed the pesticide contamination and bacteria and heavy metals are attached to the surface of the fruit or vegetable, so it is safe to consume for health. Water containing ozone can wash fruits and vegetables in order sterile without losing color, aroma, and do not break down the organic compounds contained in foodstuffs, so as to extend the life of freshness. Ozonation treatment to tomatoes proven to extend the life of the freshness of the tomatoes to 3 weeks.

Berozon water treatment is very effective in reducing microbial populations and can increase shelf life of cut celery and lettuce. Ozone at a concentration of 0.4 mL / L can improve the quality and extend the shelf life of broccoli and cucumber at storage temperature of 3 ° C.

0.15 ppm ozone 
concentrations can keep violence persimmon above the commercial value after being stored 30 days at a temperature of 15oC and 90% relative humidity can extend the shelf life. Storage with ozone can reduce the development of mold on blackberries for 12 days where 20% fruit without ozone treatment looks rotten.

Based on the justification of the treatment parameters and showed that the best treatment for cauliflower namely ozone concentration of 1.5 ppm with leafy at cold temperature storage. Leaves can protect from impact, protected from dirt or dust, reduce evaporation and keep the freshness.

The research concludes that ozonation is a safe process and promises to separate pesticide residues from the surface of the vegetables tested on a limited level.

For further information contact:

Horticultural Research and Development Center

Jl. Ragunan No.29A, Pasar Minggu
12540 South Jakarta - Jakarta
Tel: 021-7805768, 7805135 Fax: 021-7805135


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