Sunday 31 May 2015

Organic farming, Modern agricultural solutions

Indonesia's geographical position has its own advantages compared to other countries in the world. Location that is traversed by the equator, making Indonesia has always had fertile soil jargon prosperous, gemah ripah jinawi tablets. Jargon is not without reason, because almost all of Indonesia's land is productive land for agriculture, and only a few from mainland Indonesia lacking soil fertility above average.
Mainland with these qualifications are generally found in areas of eastern Indonesia which tends rocky soil texture and dry. However, precisely those areas have the potential for the growth of plants typical, such as corn, cashew, palm trees and so forth, in which these plants also have a huge market potential for the improvement of the nation's economy.

Geographical location gives Indonesian soil fertility is not always directly proportional to the achievement of agricultural products that boast. Evidently, until now Indonesia has not been able to self-sufficient in rice whose position is a basic requirement for the majority of the Indonesian people. Of course if you view the potential of existing natural resources is not a factor that resulted in agricultural productivity in Indonesia is slow, that needs to be under the spotlight is a program or system of farming is done in Indonesia.

If you pay attention to the agricultural system in Indonesia, most still done traditionally (not to mention "roughing"), where the position of the farmer is the person most interested in the farming system itself. Tus, Indonesian agriculture if only to meet the needs of micro scale an sich, the farmer and his family. In fact, should Indonesia with 191 946 000 ha of agricultural land to become the world's breadbasket in the present world demand for food is rising (Kompas, February 7, 2011), and not vice versa Indonesia's precisely worsen the food situation by conducting fiscal policy with elimination of import duties of food, this means that the same government just does not give priority to national food productivity.

Traditional agricultural systems of this kind must be very difficult to develop, and farmers (either owners especially the rural landless) will always be far from prosperity. You can imagine how the economic conditions of Indonesian farmers who rely on agriculture as the only hanger life, when they are a little out of the dining area to meet the needs of agricultural skundernya then it really is not significant.
Indonesian farmers prosper with a total population of 260 million people where 41 million people are farmers is not easy, at least it takes the concept of a large farm, but remain close to the people, so that the mouth of prosperity is the farmer, not the middlemen or traders agribusiness alone. agriculture concept writer folk have a simple concept, covering agricultural management (including land preparation and treatment tananaman) as well as post-harvest management.

What is the condition of farmers during the farm management? Not strange sounds in the ear of us when entering the planting season, farmers will be haunted by a scarcity. Ranging from shortages of fertilizer, seed scarcity and sometimes scarcity of medicines. Padaha availability of fertilizers, seeds and medicines is an integral part of agriculture (the people), when any one of these elements is not available then the results will not be maximized -pun agriculture. Scarcity of seeds to encourage farmers to use seeds that do not meet the standards makeshift seed quality, so we can be sure the plants that grow-did not have good quality. Likewise, the lack of availability of fertilizers in farmers, will make the plants grown miserable with future harvests that are not clear.

Yet terkawalnya government regulations on the distribution of fertilizers and medicines to the hands of farmers is a serious problem that must be resolved, so avoid irresponsible person game using the momentum of the need for "more strangling farmers" to hoard and sell agricultural needs at high prices.
Farmers in Indonesia indeed most have not been able to break away from dependence on fertilizers and chemical drugs. Although for the long term, agriculture with menggantungkkan on fertilizers and chemical drugs will increasingly memperpuruk soil fertility conditions and vulnerability to pests and diseases.
The use of chemical fertilizers is making arable land in an instant, because the nutrients that supply renewable soil fertility does not come with the use of chemical fertilizers. Therefore, the use of chemical fertilizers does not change as a supplement memforsir soil fertility in a short time regardless of the availability of nutrients that are still contained by the agricultural land. This condition will gradually erode soil fertility / land continues exploited.

The same money, the use of pesticides and chemical drugs was quickly able to repel pests and treat plant diseases. However, until when it impervious to pests and diseases with the chemical drugs? For pests and diseases will gradually build up immunity to chemical drugs. Mix and create new chemicals are also not a perfect solution to overcome this problem, because in addition to his keevektifitasan not comparable with the development of pests and diseases, pesticide chemical elements in this also can not be lost on agricultural products that will be consumed by humans. So agricultural products using chemical pesticides likely to lead to contaminated food.

Some countries have imposed strict regulations on foods that contain this chemical. In line with these two countries are only willing to import the foodstuffs that are free of chemical elements.
Organic Agriculture as a Solution
Seeing the development of agricultural products, especially food world today, has become imperative if implemented organic farming. The potential to develop organic farming in Indonesia is fairly wide open, this is due to the availability of a variety of plant material which functions as an organic fertilizer or pesticide plant as well as enabling the proliferation of natural enemies (predators) to control the life cycle of pests and diseases.
Organic fertilizer (compost) has been no stranger to farmers in Indonesia. In the era of classic farm compost is usually made from animal waste and the remnants of decaying plants used as the mainstay fertilizer plant. Along with the widespread use of chemical fertilizers presence of organic fertilizers began to be abandoned by the farmers.

So-even with the development of pests and diseases, many perceive it is caused by several factors, such as; weather anomalies and destruction of natural ecosystems. But rising pests and plant diseases today are also not ruled out due to the reduction of natural enemies (predators) in the wild, resulting ecosystem imbalance. For example; due to outbreaks of pests rat snake populations that are rare, outbreaks of plague locust due to declining bird populations eating grasshoppers, and so forth.

Besides the use of natural enemies to control pests and diseases, pesticide use vegetable is also very likely to be applied. Indonesia has a variety of medicinal plants for the use of botanical pesticides. The use of botanical pesticides is also already familiar use by traditional farmers. Such as tobacco use to repel leafhoppers and other pests. In this era was more commonly found several plant extracts to combat pests and diseases, such as the use of extracts of ginger to control the banana wilt disease, leaf extracts series to reduce decay in fruits and of course there are many more models of integrated pest management using non technique ektraks chemically using plants that serve to control pests and diseases in plants.

Organic farming does not provide an instant reaction on agricultural products, but with the implementation of organic farming will bring long-term agriculture and provide solutions for the availability of healthy food. Therefore, in today's era of modern agriculture, the application of organic farming absolute implemented gradually and systematically farmers gradually reduced its dependence on chemicals.

Application of organic farming can walk with some conditions: first, there is the political will of the government with the implementation of organic agriculture programs, second, backed by a competent extension workers and plunge into the field (farmers), third, in collaboration with research institutes / universities high to get the new findings in the field of organic farming. Cooperation with researchers and universities is important that the findings of the research results can be applied in the form iitu real world pertnian, not only as scientific papers, which were recorded and used as a reference in the libraries without any real application.

With terlaksanananya organic farming system, meaning the loss of farmers' dependence on fertilizers and chemical drugs, the future of agriculture in Indonesia will be better, could be self-sufficient farmers and agricultural products clearly more qualified.


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